The installation size of Feature on Demand packages captured here are approximate and may vary between releases. Installation sizes will also vary if Reserved Storage is enabled. Reserved Storage is enabled by default on most client versions of Windows, starting with Windows 10, version 1903 that were clean installed. This variance in installation size accounts for growth in the Reserved Storage size to ensure there is enough disk space for all installed Feature on Demand packages to be preserved during updates.
Bt Explorer Installation Package Scan
The Mixed Reality Feature on Demand has a large installation size. This FOD also requires the installation of an additional data assets package, if an updated asset package is available. Updates to the Mixed Reality FOD are available via regular Windows LCUs. The data assets update package, when available, is a separate download from the Microsoft Update Catalog.
Recommendation: Don't install. This Feature on Demand is only needed by specific users who can trigger installation through Visual Studio when certain optional packages are chosen at install. 2ff7e9595c