Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unknown document format for file: D:\vctest\EDItestingprocess.docx at com.artofsolving.jodconverter.openoffice.converter.AbstractOpenOfficeDocumentConverter.guessDocumentFormat(AbstractOpenOfficeDocumentConverter.java:121) at com.artofsolving.jodconverter.openoffice.converter.AbstractOpenOfficeDocumentConverter.convert(AbstractOpenOfficeDocumentConverter.java:93) at com.artofsolving.jodconverter.openoffice.converter.AbstractOpenOfficeDocumentConverter.convert(AbstractOpenOfficeDocumentConverter.java:74) at com.artofsolving.jodconverter.openoffice.converter.AbstractOpenOfficeDocumentConverter.convert(AbstractOpenOfficeDocumentConverter.java:70) at com.redrock.util.ExcelToPdf.main(ExcelToPdf.java:18)
To download JODConverter JARs, download the zip jodconverter-core-3.0-beta-4-dist.zip, unzip it and copy paste the lib folder of the zip to your Eclipse Java project. Add those JARs in your classpath.
Jodconverter Docx To Pdf Example Download
sorry, but I have another question. I run your example without maven, docx4j, HTML converter , but I get an error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:org/slf4j/LoggerFactor Tell me please how to fix it? Thank you!
Hi i have gone through the article. i tried with the 2 of the frameworks mentioned, that is docx4j and xdocreport. i downloaded and tested with my simple docx files it worked fine. then i tried with one complex word document but it did not work fine throwing error. the error is :- Expecting one Styles document part, but found 0
Jodconverter converts a simple helloworld.docx to PDF with 468ms. The quality of the conversion is perfect. docx4j. DOX4J provides several docx converters:docx to HTML converter. Docx to PDF Converter based on XSL-FO and FOP. ORG.SAMPLES.DOCXCONVERTERS.DOCX4J Eclipse project that you can download this is sample of docx converter with docx4j.
You can download the samples of Docx/odt converters explained in this article:org.samples.docxconverters.jodconverter.zip: The samples of conversion docx to pdf/html with Jodconverter. Org.samples.docxconverters.docx4j.zip samples of conversion docx to pdf/html with docx4j. Org.samples.docxconverters.xdocreport.zip samples of conversion docx to pdf/html with Xdocreport (Apache POI xwpf).
Org.samples.docxconverters.jodconverter Eclipse project that you can download this is sample the docx converter with Jodcon Verter. This is Project Contains:docx folder which contains several docx to convert. Those docx comes from the Xdocreport Git, we use to test our converter. PDF and HTML folders where docx would be converted. Lib folder whith jodconverter and Dependencies JARs.
ORG.SAMPLES.DOCXCONVERTERS.DOCX4J Eclipse project that you can download this is sample of docx converter with docx4j. This is Project Contains:docx folder which contains several docx to convert. Those docx comes from the Xdocreport Git, we use to test our converter. PDF and HTML folders where docx would be converted. Lib folder whit docx4j and dependencies JARs.
Lists all the transformations that are available between given mimetypes for a given use. Either mimetype may be blank. The following example simply specified docx as the source. As can be seen, the count on the left lists the number of different combinations (note 40 appears twice as there are two transformers available from docx to tiff). The output also included the priority. A [---] priority value indicates that the transformer will not be selected unless it is a named component transformer. The transformer name is followed by the average time (0 ms) that has been taken on this node since the Transformer sub system started. The last part of the line indicated any file size limits (e.g. 256 KB). The transformer will not be used if the source file is larger than the specified size.
Performs a transformation of a source type to a target type using limits for a specific use. The transformer may be specified or if left blank (the normal case) so will be selected automatically. The following example is from docx to swf. As can be seen there is only one transformer available and it is only able to handle files up to 256 KB.
On Windows 10 we can use a command like soffice.exe --convert-to odt my_document.docx in order to convert my_document.docx from the MS docx format to the open document format (odt). The --convert-to function allows us to specify a set of documents by using the general wildcard syntax for files. For example, it is legal to use *.docx when you have a bunch of .docx files to convert from the current directory.
I think it refers to the methods used by other software to embed fonts. For example, MS Office allows you to embed fonts for a document to be viewed but not modified, then: the system will detect that font is not installed and will provide for download?
Hello Guys,I have a quick question. I am using DocumentConverter.py with OpenOffice 3 in a windows environment. When i used command prompt to convert documents everything works perfectly, with no problem. However, when I attempt to convert from PHP on a webserver via command line, using exec() - see below, everything goes through but no conversion occurs. So, for example, the soffice.exe is started (soffice.bin & soffice.exe) with NO problem. However, in the second line, no document conversion happens. I am hoping that this is something simple. I have tried everything but to no avail. I have tried all sorts of variations but with no success. I am on Windows XP.//Convert source to PDF...//Start Serviceexec('"c:\\Program Files\\OpenOffice.org 3\\program\\soffice.exe" -headless -nologo -norestore -accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager'); ----->THIS WORKS FINE//Convert Fileexec('"c:\\Program Files\\OpenOffice.org 3\\program\\python" c:/wamp/www/DocumentConverter.py xr2.docx xr2.pdf'); -------->THIS DOES NOT WORK: GIVES NO ERRORS BUT NO CONVERSION OCCURS 2ff7e9595c